A few months ago many people set themselves New Year’s resolutions, often only keeping them until the end of January! If you are still persevering well done - you are in a small minority that keep any resolutions, especially those involving food and exercise. As with many goals, starting out is the easy bit, continuing through the inevitable difficulties is where the struggle really is. A big night out, cold mornings that trap us under duvet and the scales not moving are just some of the reasons that cause us to slow down or give up entirely. These are, though, legitimate things affecting anyone with health and fitness goals. It is how we respond to the bumps in the journey that is the difference between reaching the goal or being back to square one. That is where keeping it simple is important. Try adopting these simple principles and take steps to a healthier and fitter you!
There is so much health and fitness advice (good and bad) readily available through all media channels we should be the healthiest generation ever. Yet the opposite is true! Find an activity you enjoy - walk, cycle, play in the park with your kids, use a fitness app - just do something you enjoy and you will be able to keep going. When it comes to eating habits the key is sustainability and simple swaps. It will be a lifelong struggle to eat a certain “healthy” diet if it is time consuming to prepare and unenjoyable. Swop sugary cereal for oats and fruit, the lunch time sandwich for a salad option, forgo a pudding a couple of evenings and drink a little less each weekend and the changes are more sustainable and realistic. So keep it simple… seriously - you can enjoy getting healthier and fitter if it is enjoyable and sustainable. This article was originally published in the June issue of Idle Talk Magazine.
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Author:Mark Williams Archives
February 2022
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